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Christmas Installation 2023: Bridgewater Place by Mitie Landscapes Ltd

on Wednesday, 06 November 2024. Posted in News

Mitie won a Gold Leaf Award for their Christmas installation at Bridgewater Place.

Christmas Installation 2023

Bridgewater Place

Mitie LandscapesLtd

Mitie tree 2 plus logo

Our client loves Christmas and was happy to use the same colour scheme he chose for 2022 but wanted something that would stand out and attract the people of Leeds to his building. We started talking about Christmas 2023 in January.

After the success of our Christmas 2022 Installation, the client’s brief was to give the WOW factor. He took his inspiration from Hudson’s Yard Christmas 2021 and wanted to emulate the Rich Warm Lighting. We also worked with him to include his Reindeer to make a feature for visitors to enjoy.


The main challenge being the installation of the 25m long Curtain light. This was made up of 6 x 2m lengths and each curtain weighed 45kg, so moving these in to place and checking weight limits as well as securing each section in place took longer than expected. A learning curve for us.

Mitie lights 1

Limited electrical points meant that we needed to be selective with the type of lights used on the trees to ensure that the client had the lighting he wanted.

The client’s budget has guaranteed that the Curtain lights will be used over a 2 year period.

We had 2 Curtain Lights made for the site, 1 was just 6m wide x 5.8m long, but the other was a massive 12m wide x 25m long.

Lights 3

These were hung from the balconies above the North & South Entrances and took longer to install than anticipated, but Richard was amazed by the result and had numerous positive comments from the public and the residents. He was so pleased that he has kept the lights up until the lighter nights arrive.

We also installed additional trees this year using the same colour scheme that the client chose in 2022, this time adding a cluster of trees and helping the client by using their own Christmas Decorations in the shape of Reindeer which created an immediate Selfie feature.

Mightie tree 1

2 x Curtain Lights and Transformers.
Artificial Christmas Trees and Garlands.
LED Lights
Christmas Baubles, Bows, and other decorations.
Clients own Christmas Reindeer

The client was amazed by the curtain lights and decided to leave them up after Christmas to cheer up the passing trade on the dark miserable mornings & evenings. He was also pleased to see the public taking selfies with the group of Trees & Reindeer immediately after we finished the installation.

Decoration close up